Dismissal & Checkout Policy
Dismissal Procedures
When the dismissal bell rings at 3:06 pm, all drivers and car riders are to exit the south doors on the English wing to get to their cars or meet their parents to be picked up. Parents and guardians who are picking up car riders need to park in the south parking lot. The road needs to stay clear at all times in case of an emergency. For safety purposes, all car riders can only be picked up in the south parking lot. All other areas on campus are not permitted.
Bus riders are dismissed as follows: 1st load bus riders will report directly to their bus. 2nd & 3rd load bus riders will report directly to the cafeteria and await the arrival of their bus. School personnel will notify students when their bus arrives to take them home.
All students who walk home are to report to the cafeteria when the dismissal bell rings and will be notified by school personnel when it is appropriate to begin walking home from school.
Checkout Procedures
As a convenience, parents are allowed to checkout their student via phone no more than two times per semester. It is encouraged that these calls only be used in the case of an emergency. After calls have been exhausted and in any otherwise case, students will only be allowed to checkout in-person by the student’s parent, legal guardian, or an individual designated by the parent/legal guardian on student file as having permission to do so. The individual checking the student out from school must provide legal identification before the student is released.